Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Slow the Aging Process with Body Awareness

Aging is a natural part of life but the negative portions of aging can be minimized so you can live a happy, productive life in your later years.

The American College of Sports Medicine offers Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription that recommends performing an assessment to determine the health of the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems (three sensory systems) to maximize postural control of your body. Such a test can be as simple as standing on one leg with your eyes open then with eyes closed.

A test such as this is used to determine how well you can maintain postural control. If you cannot stand for more than 10 seconds it means your body has degenerated to the level of being 60-70 years old. This is a very real problem if you are only forty years old but your body is functioning on a 60-70 year level. In other words, you have aged much faster than you should have.

The loss of balance is aging whereas training to regain your balance is anti-aging. Do not despair, your balance can be greatly improved with proper exercises and techniques and they should be improved otherwise these deficits may become permanent. Irreversible habitual movement dysfunction may lead to injury due to altered movement patterns of your body.  

It is important to correct any body imbalances particularly if you are beginning any exercise programs so you do not suffer avoidable injuries.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at www.phcpt.com for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Road 

Perry Hall, MD 21236



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