Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Feng Wins King of the Mountains Jersey at Taiwan


Champion System Pro Cycling Team's Chun Kai Feng took home top honors in the king of the mountains classification Sunday at the Tour de Taiwan after securing and protecting the jersey since Friday's Stage 5.
Champion System Assistant Director Chris Wherry said he was proud of the team's overall effort to preserve the jersey in a race that saw Zach Bell win Stage 4 and teammate Adiq Othman earn four top five finishes, including fifth on the final stage.
"I am very pleased for the team," Wherry said. "Especially for Zach's stage win and Kai's KOM jersey."
With no categorized climbs on the final stage, a 58-kilometer circuit race through Taipei City, as Feng needed only to finish the race to secure the jersey. When a breakaway failed to materialize, the intermediate sprints turned into field sprints. Othman took third in the first and was runner-up on the second.
Rain started to fall as the peloton hit the final lap, and what looked to be a perfect lead out by Champion System for Fabian Schnaidt was ruined in a crash with two corners to go.
"I'm very bummed at the lost opportunity," Schnaidt said. "I thought I was going to have a great finish."
Hayato Yoshida (Shimano Racing Team) took the win ahead of Benjamin Giraud (Team La Pomme Marsielle). Othman's fifth place added to his fourth on Stage 3, fifth on Stage 5 and third on Stage 6. He finished the race as Champion System's best-placed rider overall in 11th, 47 seconds behind winner Bernard Sulzberger (DRAPAC Cycling).

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at www.phcpt.com for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
8817 Belair Road 
Perry Hall, MD 21236


Monday, March 25, 2013

Nutrition for the Prostate

According to Dr. James Meschino, the director of nutritional therapies at the Canadian Integrative Cancer Immunotherapies Clinic in Toronto, Canada higher levels of selenium in the blood and toenails may be an indication of better health resulting in a lower risk for prostate cancer. He bases his statement on an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition from the July 2012 issue that analyzed 12 studies to arrive at these conclusions.

Dr. Meschino goes on to explain that blood levels (also referred to as plasma levels) of selenium as well as the level of selenium found in toenails are indicative of the oral intake of selenium an individual is consuming. Several previous studies have suggested that higher selenium levels may be responsible for defending against the formation of prostate cancer.  

In the article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition there were a total of 13,254 participants spread across 12 studies of which 5,007 of the participants actually had prostate cancer. The meta-analysis of these studies showed the incidence of prostate cancer decreased when there was more selenium in the plasma serum.

Three of the studies used for the meta-analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study showed a significantly decreased risk of developing prostate cancer when toenail selenium levels were higher. However, studies of this type do not definitively offer proof that adding selenium to your diet will help prevent prostate cancer but it does suggest that having higher levels of selenium in your body may be a significant factor in preventing prostate cancer.

Are there other nutritional supplements or dietary changes that are useful to soften the impact of prostate cancer? Yes there are and Dr. Meschino cites an article in the Journal of Urology showing that a low-animal-fat diet along with soy foods and daily nutritional supplement consumption that includes Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and selenium showed signs of prostate cancer regression.

Dietary changes you can make that will help you make the transition to healthier eating include consuming almond butter instead of peanut butter which is preferred because almond butter is more nutritious. Using honey instead of jelly or sugar is a reasonable step to take because honey has anti-bacterial properties. Using almond milk or coconut milk instead of cow’s milk is a good idea because there is more nutrition in these types of milk and they will not cause problems with allergies the way cow’s milk can.

Since many studies have implicated selenium as an important nutrient to use to help keep your prostate healthier it may be that selenium possesses various anti-cancer properties that allow it to be helpful in this way. Some of the ways it may help prevent or aid the battle against prostate cancer is through apoptosis (instigating the programmed cell death of cancer cells), slowing the rate of cell division of cancer cells, and by protecting DNA from hazardous mutations that may lead to cancer when the body is exposed to certain carcinogens (cancer causing agents).

The best way to assure you are receiving the requisite amount of the nutrients that may help your prostate is to take nutritional supplements because your food probably does not have the nutrients you need in the quantities and quality demanded by your body. This is because most of the soils in the United States have been depleted of minerals for over 75 years. Modern farming practices do not replace the minerals that are lost when crops are grown then harvested and transported to far away locales.

Dr. Meschino suggests you take 200 mcg of selenium every day along with 400 IU of vitamin E succinate, 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 1,000 IU of Vitamin E, 6 mg of lycopene and 15 mg of zinc. He makes these suggestions based upon what has been shown in various studies to be of benefit to and promote the health of the prostate gland.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at www.phcpt.com for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
8817 Belair Road 
Perry Hall, MD 21236


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Digestive Health: Eat Better and Supplement your Diet with Nutritional Supplements

The American public suffers from numerous digestive disorders because of the poor choices you make in foods and the lack of nutrients available in those foods that are necessary to support your digestive system. Constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, chronic colds and infections, trouble sleeping, and possibly even having accidents when you soil your pants unexpectedly may cause you to embark upon a journey to better eating so you can be healthier thereby allowing your body to function the way it was intended to work.

Saying “I have always been like that so that’s just the way I am” or “it has been that way for a long time and will probably always be that way” is unacceptable and it definitely may not be true that these conditions will always plague you. Correcting the cause of these types of symptoms may change the way your body operates and alter the way you view your body for the rest of your life. 

To better understand why some of these varied symptoms may be occurring it is best to take a few moments and learn about how your digestive system operates.

When you eat food the first stage of digestion takes place as you chew thereby distributing digestive enzymes in saliva throughout the food particles. Therefore, you want to chew your food thoroughly enough so it is well saturated with saliva and ground into very fine particles. The food then passes down your esophagus to your stomach.

In your stomach your food is then mixed with hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes so it can be further broken down into absorbable forms. Acid in your stomach is natural. Many digestive problems are caused by not enough acid being in your stomach and not too much acid as many TV commercials for antacids lead you to believe.

From your stomach your food passes into your small intestine where more enzymes and bile break it down further so the sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can be absorbed through the intestinal wall to be transported throughout your body via your blood. 

After your intestines have extracted all of the nutrients out of the food you ate the indigestible, watery remains then moves into your large intestine. Water is removed from the indigestible, watery remains as they pass through your large intestine then the remaining dry mass is expelled from your bowel as feces.

A common scenario involves people taking laxatives and/or stool softeners to make the fecal material softer and looser aiding in elimination but these drugs may inhibit the absorption of nutrients. So, if you have used laxative extensively you may be nutritionally deficient and should supplement your diet with organically grown whole food nutritional supplements because nutritional deficiencies may cause you to suffer chronic infections and illness. Eating a lot of fiber with copious amounts of water each day helps normalize bowel movements while keeping your stool soft so it is easy to pass.

Simply substituting some foods for others may make a huge difference in how your body functions. Eating almond butter instead of peanut butter is preferred because almond butter is more nutritious. Using honey instead of jelly or sugar is a good idea because honey has anti-bacterial properties. Using almond milk or coconut milk instead of cow’s milk is preferable because there is more nutrition in these types of milk and they will not cause problems with allergies the way cow’s milk can.

An easy way to avoid the temptation of eating unhealthy foods is to just keep them out of your house. Setting an example of healthy eating will teach your kids good habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Diabetes and What to do About It

The risk of developing diabetes is increasing. Americans born in the year 2000 or afterward have more than a one in three chance of developing type 2 diabetes while other areas of the world such as the United Kingdom, China, and the Arab Emirates are also showing increasing cases of diabetes.

The dangers of diabetes include retinopathy and neuropathy with complications of diabetes potentially leading to vascular events such as stroke or myocardial infarctions. Symptoms affecting the daily lives of diabetics include malaise, fatigue, poor wound healing, and sexual dysfunction that all add to the degeneration of the quality of life for diabetics. It is estimated that 65-80 percent of diabetics will die of a cardio-vascular event caused by these complications. 

The good news is that increasing physical activity while maintaining blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and blood lipid levels many of the causative factors for type 2 diabetes can be controlled. Some authors of authoritative literature suggest that exercise, maintaining a healthy waist circumference, maintaining an average body mass index (BMI), avoiding high blood pressure, and staying away from the causative factors of impaired glucose metabolism are critical to warding off type 2 diabetes.

The bottom line is that if you live a healthy lifestyle by eating right, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, stop smoking, drink in moderation, and get adequate amounts of rest you may never have to deal with type 2 diabetes even if you have a strong family predilection toward developing this condition.

This is an important consideration because you are the example for the rest of your family. If your children see you eating junk food, avoiding exercise, drinking alcohol to excess, and smoking you will be passing these bad habits onto the next generation. Believe it or not, your children do watch what you are doing and mimic those actions. Wouldn’t you rather they adopt healthy lifestyle habits that will help them avoid the ravages of type 2 diabetes instead of suffering this largely preventable disease? 

A huge factor in being able to avoid the agony of diabetes via living a healthy lifestyle by eating right, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, stop smoking, drink in moderation, and getting adequate amounts of rest may depend on adopting a different view of health and healthcare. In the United States there are basically two different approaches to health and healthcare with the differences becoming more pronounced as time moves forward.

The first approach is the one with the largest number of adherents and is comprised of people willing to take all of the medicine or undergo all of the surgeries the medical community prescribes regardless of how extreme and ill-conceived those ideas become. The other approach is comprised of self-reliant folks who research a subject, seek answers to their questions, and then use logical thinking to arrive at a plan to increase their wellness and fitness by giving their body what it needs to function as it was intended.

The group of people depending on drugs and surgery are meandering down the road to ill health because they will be taking drugs for the rest of their lives instead of giving their body the basic building blocks it needs to thrive. Slowly but surely these people will lose the ability to function in a normal manner and will end up incapable of taking care of their basic needs at an earlier age than if they had cared for their body properly.

Chiropractic is the lone voice of wellness promotion in the current healthcare system that purposefully avoids using drugs and surgery preferring to have spinal adjustments instead of surgery, promoting an active lifestyle as opposed to a sedentary (and often miserable) existence, and espousing proper nutrition instead of consuming junk food.

It is your choice whether you choose the chiropractic lifestyle endorsing health or the medical lifestyle that encourages life-long prescription drug dependency to conquer diabetes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

RecoveryDoc Athlete Tony Thompson Defeats David Price in Astonishing One-Punch Victory

RecoveryDoc Athlete Tony Thompson Defeats David Price in Astonishing One-Punch Victory

Recently back from the World Heavyweight Championship, RecoveryDoc athlete, Tony Thompson defeats David Price in an astonishing one-punch victory.

Thompson won in an astonishing one-punch knockout to Price, who entered the rink unbeaten with 15 starts, with 13 stoppages.

Thompson, a RecoveryDoc athlete has worked with Dr. Rick Rosa for quite some time. In fact, Dr. Rosa has served as Thompson’s official team recovery specialist and cutman in the recent World Heavyweight boxing championship.
Dr. Rosa’s recovery approach is unique and comprehensive. He works with professional athletes— decreasing projected healing time by up to 50 percent. 
After recovery, RecoveryDoc athletes undergo an ongoing preventative program to thwart further injuries. Dr. Rosa will make sure Thompson not only recovers, but he is able to perform better and train harder in preparation for the upcoming fight. 
Dr. Rosa’s Six Pillars of Recovery encompass all aspects of recovery for injuries and training. The Six Pillars include; awareness of state, rest, play, nutrition, physical and psychological – ensuring professional athletes like Thompson, recovers faster and train harder.  Under the RecoveryDoc treatment program, athletes receive a personalized, all encompassing treatment plan based on specific needs. 
To learn more about Dr. Rosa and The Patented Six Pillars of Recovery treatment program visit RecoveryDoc

P.S. You can check out the entire article about the fight on ESPN.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at www.phcpt.com for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
8817 Belair Road 
Perry Hall, MD 21236


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

More Medications Prescribed due to Lower Diagnostic Thresholds: A Conspiracy to put More People on Prescription Drugs?

A recent article available at www.annfammed.org/content/10/5/452.full reports that changes in the way diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and their “pre-” conditions (pre-diabetes and pre-hypertension) are now diagnosed have added millions of people onto the roles of those who are placed on intense pharmaceutical protocols. This adds up to an additional 10 million people being treated for diabetes and over 22 million for hypertension due to the lowering of diagnostic thresholds.

What does it mean that the diagnostic thresholds have been lowered?

It means that in 1998 the fasting plasma glucose test used to diagnose a person with diabetes was lowered from 140 to 126. This move alone resulted in over 10.3 million people being labeled as diabetic.  The pre-diabetes threshold was lowered from 110 to 100 in 2003 with a resultant rise in new people being placed in this category.

High blood pressure (hypertension) had its diagnostic threshold lowered from 160/95 to 140/90 in 1993 for people without diabetes. For people with diabetes, the hypertension threshold was set at 130/80 in 1998, which is lower than the hypertension thresholds for non-diabetic patients. In that same year, the pre-hypertension threshold was set at 120/80. These changes resulted in an additional 22 million people being diagnosed as having or in the process of acquiring hypertension.

What does this all mean? It means that there are now millions more people taking medication than there were a few short years ago because of the lowered diagnostic thresholds that have recently been changed.

An article in the Annals of Family Medicine attempts to define and understand how pharmaceutical companies are influencing the practice of medicine and the health of their patients.

The researchers and authors of this study report that spending on prescription drugs in the United States has increased nearly 6-fold since 1990. This increase in drug use is due to the astronomical increase in the treatment of chronic health conditions resulting in 45% of Americans being treated for at least one chronic condition. Treatment for three chronic health conditions that includes hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol levels, and diabetes make up 60% of the most frequently prescribed medications. In addition to these reports, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 11% of Americans and 40% of the U.S. population over 60 years of age take five or more medications on a regular basis.

Why is this occurring and is it absolutely necessary that these patients must take such large amounts of medication?

The authors of the Annals of Family Medicine article have identified a few of the most prominent reasons for prescribing vast amounts of medication to patients. One of the reasons is that medical doctors are rewarded for keeping patient’s symptoms and medical test results below established guidelines that are set by committees and organizations. However, those same committees and organizations are heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry with some of these committees and organizations being populated by people with links to the pharmaceutical industry.

The authors suggest that pharmaceutical industry influence be abolished from these committees and organizations. They also suggest that doctors be banned from meeting with pharmaceutical industry representatives (i.e.; sales representatives) who may influence their decisions to overprescribe medications.

The combination of changes in the way diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and their “pre-” conditions (pre-diabetes and pre-hypertension) are now diagnosed have added millions of people onto the roles of people who are placed on intense pharmaceutical protocols, pharmaceutical industry influence on committees and organizations setting treatment guidelines, and the influence exerted by pharmaceutical sales representatives on doctors may all be contributing to a conspiracy to place more people on prescription drugs.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at www.phcpt.com for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Road 

Perry Hall, MD 21236

