Thursday, June 28, 2012

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

There are many causes of back pain such as being a result of poor posture, whiplash from an automobile accident, or from a sports injury. Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments can relieve much of the trauma caused by back pain.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic care for back pain is that the treatment is performed in a non-surgical, non- evasive manner.  There is no cutting of body parts and no drugs are involved in chiropractic treatment. This makes chiropractic treatment for back pain a healthy and safe alternative to traditional surgery and medications.

Tips to Prevent Back Pain

There are several tips in the prevention of back pain:
  • Healthy diet and exercise
  • Maintain an active lifestyle
  • Avoid extended inactivity or bed rest.
  • Warm up or stretch before prior to exercise
  • Maintain proper posture
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Sleep on a supportive mattress
  • Lift objects using your knees

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Professional and Recreational Athletes Can Suffer Sports Injury

Both professional and recreational athletes can get injured. The professional athlete usually participates in strenuous, high impact sports that cause damage and injury to the body. The recreational athlete is described as anyone who enjoys leisurely runs or personal exercises and may participate in club sports or school facilitated physical activity.

Causes of athletic injuries vary. Many times the injury is caused because the athlete plays too hard or too long resulting in undue stress to the body. Sometimes simple recreational activities such as lifting boxes or gym workouts place too much stress on the body and result in unexpected injuries. The underlying causes of traumas occurring during physical activity are often due to improperly warming up before engaging in those strenuous physical activities.

Regardless of which type of athlete you are unintended injuries can occur without warning causing you considerable pain and disability. Unintended injuries can occur no matter how simple or relaxed the physical activity. An important determining factor in the speed of recovery after any injury is how it is attended to in the recovery phase of treatment.

Spinal Manipulations by a Chiropractor Can Relieve Many Sports Injury Symptoms

After a sports injury rest is often recommended. However, rest as the sole recovery method is not as effective as combining it with chiropractic treatment thereby saving time and unnecessary suffering. Through chiropractic adjustments spinal segments are returned to normal motion while supportive tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments that may have also been injured return to normal function. Sports chiropractic treatment helps athletes recover. Fast.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tired of Being Tired – Part Two

Are you tired of being tired?

A study involving 122 New York City Police Department officers may help shed some light on why you are so tired. This study was performed to determine if anything could be done to help people who work on their feet all day. Police officers were excellent subjects for this study because they spend large amounts of time standing or walking on hard surfaces.

Prior to the study, one-fifth of the officers reported having foot pain on a regular basis, 15% had calluses, corns, or athlete’s foot and 18% had sought treatment for foot problems in the past.

The New York police officers were fit for insoles to see if the orthotics would help decrease fatigue and foot symptoms. The officers walked an average of three miles per day during the five-week study.

After the five-week study the officers reported a significant reduction in tiredness in their feet at the end of their long work day and 68% reported having less foot pain.

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy uses the same type of elastomeric polymer based orthotics used in this study so if you suffer from tiredness or foot pain call for a free consultation to see if you can be helped. Why suffer any longer and be tired of being tired?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tired of Being Tired? Part One

Are you tired of being tired?

It is discouraging to not understand why you are tired all the time but one of the reasons may be because your feet are making you work harder all day long than is necessary.

An interesting study was conducted with women aged 18 to 38. The women found to have flat feet were fit with individually-designed arch supports which they wore for two weeks. It was found that their heart rates were significantly slower, their systolic blood pressure was lower, their oxygen consumption was lower (oxygen consumption is a reliable measure of the amount of work the body is performing), and the amount of energy they were expending to perform the same tasks they had been measured doing before wearing the arch supports was reduced. A control group for which no individually-designed arch supports were prescribed had no change in the recorded parameters.

An interesting finding which should be of great interest to people who exercise is that all the differences found in this study were more obvious when the women walked faster or on steeper inclines.

At Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy custom-made, flexible orthotics are used to raise and support the arches of the feet to aid in therapy and reduce fatigue. So if you are tired of always being tired then you should consider what has been shown by research to be effective in helping you feel less tired all day long.

Healing Athletic Injuries at Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

Tissue healing begins to take place at the time of injury. This is because chemicals are released from damaged cells which begin the inflammation process. Inflammation plays a very important role in the healing process but prolonged activation of the inflammatory reaction can cause adhesion formation that is detrimental to your body’s structure and function.

Injuries must be handled by a professional quickly and efficiently so tissues heal in a beneficial manner and not in a willy-nilly fashion that will lead to problems in the future. That is why it is imperative you do not delay treatment of injuries. Do not think that because the pain is diminishing that all is well, because it is not.

Apply ice to the injured area as soon as possible and ask your doctor if further treatment is necessary. Leave that decision up to a professional instead of delaying treatment which may result in a permanent alteration in your body’s structure. 
It is very frustrating when a patient waits weeks to seek treatment following serious injury in a fall or auto collision because the window of opportunity to offer them the best chance of a positive healing experience has greatly reduced. See your doctor immediately!