Monday, January 16, 2012

Shin Splints and Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

Shin splints involve pain along the front of the shin bone just above the ankle and below the knee. Pain can occur on the inside or outside part of the shin and are common in people who run frequently.

While shin splints are often blamed on improper stretching before and after exercise, over training, running and/or jumping on hard surfaces, and using shoes that do not have enough support the most common cause is fallen arches in the feet. Fallen arches in the feet can cause or amplify the effects of all the previously mentioned causes of shin splints.

Properly supporting the arches of the feet with custom made flexible orthotics will help overcome all of the other potential causes of shin splints.

Remember, there are three arches in each foot and most folks cannot assess any but the large medial arch on the inside part of the underside of your foot… and that should be done while you are standing with both feet flat on the ground. That’s why you need to see a doctor who has the proper equipment to adequately assess what is going on under your foot while the weight of your entire body is bearing down upon it.

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