Thursday, September 19, 2013

Moods and Health

The mood that you choose to place yourself in will determine your dominant world view, your view of the future, and often your health. Think about this for a minute to determine how the moods you choose to dwell upon may be affecting your life.

Most people have a default mood that will determine not only how they feel about themselves but also how other people react to them. You should determine what your default mood is to determine if this is the impression of yourself you want to be conveying to others. How you perceive and manage your moods may offer opportunities to change the way you act and interact with other people. Literally, changing your default mood may change your life.

Moods are long lasting and tend to be based upon the way you look at the world around you. If you look at the world around you as a hostile, uninviting place then your moods will reflect those negative feelings. Conversely, if you view the world as a cheerful place brimming with opportunity to improve yourself and the people you share your life with then your mood will reflect this sunny disposition.

Your mood at any given time can affect your health, impact your body in many different ways, and can make your sense of well being soar to great heights or crash it into smithereens. Moods can spread from person to person. This is why it is important to be surrounded with positive-thinking people and avoid negative promoting folks.

Having “doom and gloom” people around you will send your attitude plummeting in a very short time while having positive, upbeat people in your life will energize you to reach new heights.

Robert Dunham of the Institute for Generative Leadership identifies four basic moods he calls resignation, resentment, acceptance, and ambition. Staying in acceptance or ambition will help you maintain a positive state of mind and remain open to new ideas and experiences. The difference in improving your attitude occurs because of the way you perceive and react to situations in everyday life.

Acceptance is the mood in which you accept the way things are and deal with each situation accordingly to make the most of bad circumstances while basking in the euphoria of good scenarios. Ambition is one step above acceptance on the happiness scale. This mood allows you to always see the possibilities of the future in a positive light so you can plan ahead and leverage these optimistic visions so they work to your best advantage.  Acceptance and ambition are moods that lead to innovative ideas, spur action to attain important goals in your life, and having constructive resolve leading to an increase in your life enjoyment.

On the opposite side of the mood equation lie resignation and resentment, both of which may be described as being “dark” moods. The resignation mood traps you into thinking there is nothing you can do to make any difference in your life and you will never have the power to influence changes with which you could direct your life in a more positive direction. The resentment mood leads you to believe you do not nor will you ever have control of your life, everyone else has a much better life than you, and it is useless struggling to achieve more from life so you give up. Both the resignation and resentment moods are negative moods leading to an inability to improve your life. They both prevent you from making positive changes and foster an unwillingness to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. This often leads to a personal disconnection or detachment from other people and situations that could be beneficial or enjoyable to you.

So what can you do to begin leading a more positive life to improve your health?

It is not an easy process but you can consciously commit to keeping yourself in acceptance and ambition moods while rejecting resignation and resentment moods. This is a process demanding self-awareness, much time, and the tenacity to stick with the course of action. Your progress will proceed at an accelerated rate once you begin to recognize and experience small successes then build upon them until new habits are ingrained in your psyche. This condition draws you toward positive moods and shuns negative ones.  However, this process demands daily practice but will soon be learned and mastered as your self-confidence, vitality, and creativity morph into a more positive and healthy future.

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