The American public suffers from numerous digestive
disorders because of the poor choices you make in foods and the lack of
nutrients available in those foods that are necessary to support your digestive
system. Constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, chronic colds and infections,
trouble sleeping, and possibly even having accidents when you soil your pants
unexpectedly may cause you to embark upon a journey to better eating so you can
be healthier thereby allowing your body to function the way it was intended to
Saying “I have always been like that so that’s just the way
I am” or “it has been that way for a long time and will probably always be that
way” is unacceptable and it definitely may not be true that these conditions
will always plague you. Correcting the cause of these types of symptoms may
change the way your body operates and alter the way you view your body for the
rest of your life.
To better understand why some of these varied symptoms may
be occurring it is best to take a few moments and learn about how your
digestive system operates.
When you eat food the first stage of digestion takes place
as you chew thereby distributing digestive enzymes in saliva throughout the
food particles. Therefore, you want to chew your food thoroughly enough so it
is well saturated with saliva and ground into very fine particles. The food
then passes down your esophagus to your stomach.
In your stomach your food is then mixed with hydrochloric
acid and digestive enzymes so it can be further broken down into absorbable
forms. Acid in your stomach is natural. Many digestive problems are caused by
not enough acid being in your stomach and not too much acid as many TV
commercials for antacids lead you to believe.
From your stomach your food passes into your small intestine
where more enzymes and bile break it down further so the sugars, amino acids,
fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can be absorbed through the intestinal wall
to be transported throughout your body via your blood.
After your intestines have extracted all of the nutrients
out of the food you ate the indigestible, watery remains then moves into your
large intestine. Water is removed from the indigestible, watery remains as they
pass through your large intestine then the remaining dry mass is expelled from
your bowel as feces.
A common scenario involves people taking laxatives and/or
stool softeners to make the fecal material softer and looser aiding in
elimination but these drugs may inhibit the absorption of nutrients. So, if you
have used laxative extensively you may be nutritionally deficient and should
supplement your diet with organically grown whole food nutritional supplements
because nutritional deficiencies may cause you to suffer chronic infections and
illness. Eating a lot of fiber with copious amounts of water each day helps
normalize bowel movements while keeping your stool soft so it is easy to pass.
Simply substituting some foods for others may make a huge
difference in how your body functions. Eating almond butter instead of peanut
butter is preferred because almond butter is more nutritious. Using honey
instead of jelly or sugar is a good idea because honey has anti-bacterial
properties. Using almond milk or coconut milk instead of cow’s milk is preferable
because there is more nutrition in these types of milk and they will not cause
problems with allergies the way cow’s milk can.
An easy way to avoid the temptation of eating unhealthy
foods is to just keep them out of your house. Setting an example of healthy
eating will teach your kids good habits that will serve them well throughout
their lives.
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