Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dangerous Epidural Steroid Injections or Safe Chiropractic Care?

Common Treatments for Back Pain Such as Epidural Injects have been Reported to be a Cause of National Emergency

Fatal prescription drug overdoses surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of accidental deaths in 2007 according to the Department of Health. Many of the overdoses (36 percent) involve painkillers. It is reported that prescription painkillers were the cause of more overdose deaths than illegal heroin and cocaine combined.
Recent national headlines are reporting that a common treatment for back pain, epidural steroid injections, is the cause of a national health emergency. We are bombarded with reminders from the media about the risks associated with problems stemming from medical treatments such as drugs and surgery, including the recent outbreaks of meningitis caused by epidural steroid injections, but uninformed people continue to choose these potentially dangerous procedures.

Chiropractic Care has Proven to be a Safe, Drug-Free & Non-Surgical Approach to Pain Relief
Chiropractic care has proven to be a safe, drug-less, non-surgical approach for pain relief for more than a century… and yet only 8% of the population seeks chiropractic care for their ailments. That is 92% of the population of the United States who are missing an opportunity to improve their health and life without the use of drugs or surgery.
The mainstream media and pharmaceutical companies have led people to believe that drugs and surgery is the only form of healthcare that can help them. If someone were to say the words "drugs and surgery is the pathway to health" most people would shake their head in disbelief and disagreement…yet they are brainwashed every day that it is the only way to feel well. 

Chiropractic Care is one of the Safest Healing Arts Existant Today
If only 8% of society is aware of, or given access to, drugless treatment choices such as chiropractic care then many more people are unnecessarily destined to be condemned to the risks of epidural steroid injections, drug overdoses, and preventable surgery. As a nation we are failing to fight this dreadful route toward drug overdosing and the obvious risks associated with medical procedures such as surgery often leading to increased deaths or disability.
As someone who has been a leader in the field of pain management for over 20 years, I think it's time that safe, alternative treatment for conditions such as low back pain be given their well deserved and respected place in the treatment of chronic pain.

Please remember to spread the word about one of the safest healing arts existing today; Chiropractic.

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