Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Popular Drugs May Cloud Brain

Many Over the Counter Medications can Averseley Affect the Brain Function

Many people are unaware that dozens of painkillers and psychiatric medications ranging from over-the-counter nostrums to popular anti-depressants can adversely affect brain function, especially in the elderly. Regular use of multiple medications that have this effect have been linked to cognitive impairment and memory loss.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) with a range of functions in the body including memory production and cognitive functioning. Anticholinergic drugs block the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and can occur occasionally as a direct action of the drug but often it occurs as an undesired side effect.

The danger for patients who knowingly or unknowingly take these drugs is that the effect of anticholinergic drugs is cumulative. Doctors are not always aware of all of the medications their patients take and do not always remember to review the anticholinergic properties of the various drugs they prescribe. This becomes particularly problematic for older patients who are more vulnerable to the effects of these drugs while tending to consume more medications than other age groups.

Recent Studies Focus on Anticholingergic Medicines

Recently a spate of new research studies has focused on anticholinergic medicines. In one such study they followed more than 13,000 British men and women age 65 or older for two years with researchers finding that the people taking more than one anticholinergic drug scored lower on tests of cognitive function than those who were not using such drugs. Additionally, the death rate for heavy anticholinergic medication users was 68 percent higher during the course of the study.

These findings were reported in The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and stunned the investigators. “So far we can’t tell why they are dying, but it wasn’t because they were sicker or older,” said Dr. Malaz A. Boustani, director of the Wishard Healthy Aging Brain Center and a scientist at the Regenstrief Institute, both in Indianapolis, who was one of the paper’s authors. We adjusted for age, gender, race, other medications they were taking, other diseases and social status. We adjusted for everything we could, and that signal did not go away.” He added: “These are very, very common drugs. That’s the scary piece.”

Dr. Chris Fox, a senior lecturer at Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia in England and the paper’s lead author said he and his colleagues suspected that anticholinergics take a toll on bodily organs and systems like the cardiovascular system but there are no studies confirming this. Anticholinergics have also been implicated in the delirium that intensive-care patients frequently develop in the hospital.

“Clinicians don’t think of them nearly as often as they should as a potential cause of cognitive problems,” said Dr. Wesley Ely, a professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University who studies neuropsychological deficits that occur after intensive care hospitalization.

A stunning statistic is that at least 20 percent of the 36 million Americans 65 and older take at least one anticholinergic medication.

A study by Dr. Boustani included nearly 4,000 older adults in Indianapolis and found that those who had been using three or more anticholinergic drugs consistently for 90 days or longer were nearly three times as likely to receive a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment as those who had not taken anticholinergics. “If you were taking one of the drugs we know is definitely an anticholinergic for 60 days you double the odds of developing mild cognitive impairment compared with a patient taking no anticholinergic medicines,” Dr. Boustani said.

No association was found between chronic use of anticholinergics and dementia, however, even though mild cognitive impairment often precedes dementia. Dr. Boustani said the reasons for this were not clear.

Studies Aim to Show the Magnitude Affect of Various Drugs

The aim of studies like these is to evaluate the magnitude of the effects of different drugs, to determine whether there are safe thresholds for their use, and to learn whether the effect is transient and reversible or not. Still, there is already a consensus in the scientific community that anticholinergic compounds should be prescribed with caution, especially for the elderly.

“There’s not much doubt about this,” said Dr. William Thies, chief medical and scientific officer for the Alzheimer’s Association, adding that studies from large clinics that treat people with memory disorders have shown that up to 25 percent of the patients who seek help have reversible disorders, including those caused by polypharmacy — taking a combination of medications, some of which may have anticholinergic activity.
“Still,” Dr. Thies said, “it would be unfair to suggest that this is the cause of a great deal of cognitive impairment in our society.”

Even so, why do physicians prescribe any medications with anticholinergic activity to elderly people, who may be using them regularly for many years? Not only are doctors often unaware of all the medicines their patients are taking but the list of drugs with anticholinergic properties is a long one.

The heart drug digoxin, the blood thinner warfarin, as well as the painkillers codeine and prednisone are considered mild anticholinergics. Those with the most severe effects include Paxil, Benadryl, a drug for overactive bladder called oxybutynin, and the schizophrenia drug clozapine. “People are worried but we’ve gotten pushback from some physicians who say, “‘Great, but what do we do? We’ve got to use these pills,’ ” Dr. Fox said.

Solutions and Advice for Patients

So what’s a patient to do?

If you or an elderly relative take one or more drugs on a regular basis ask your primary care physician to evaluate the cumulative anticholinergic burden of all them (as well as other potential interactions and side effects). “The patient is critical in triggering that kind of discussion,” Dr. Thies said. “It may not be automatic, but if in fact the patient asks for it, it’s much more likely to be done.”

Remember to tell your physician about drugs prescribed by other specialists as well as nonprescription or alternative medicines you take. He or she should be able to prescribe substitutes without anticholinergic effects. This review should be done once a year. However, you should never stop medications on your own without medical supervision.

Even before going to the doctor, do your own research. Use the Anticholinergic Burden Scale as developed by scientists from the Regenstrief Institute to assess your risk. The scale ranks drugs based on the strength of their anticholinergic activity from zero if there is no effect to 3 for severe effect.

Keep in mind that many over-the-counter drugs, including allergy medications, antihistamines, and Tylenol PM have anticholinergic effects. “Don’t overreact to your cold,” Dr. Boustani advised. “Try Grandma’s remedy for a couple of days before you ramp up to Advil PM or Aleve PM.”

For some conditions there may not be any adequate substitutes for essential anticholinergic drugs.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Water Talk 101 - Why Water?

Why do your Doctorsof Chiropractic, physicians, and other healthcare
professionals keep telling you to drink plenty of water? Why is it
essential to keep yourself hydrated? Can you stay hydrated with
coffee, soda, juice, or other drinks? How much water should you
drink a day? These are common questions so let's talk about water and its benefits.

When you were born, you were approximately 75 to 80% water. As you
grew the percentage of water decreased until it stabilized at 60 to 65% for males and 50 to 60% for females.

An Average Adult is Anywhere from 55% to 78% Water!
An average adult is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on their body size. Basically, 2/3 of your body is water. Water is the main component of your body’s cells, tissues, and organs. Let's take a closer look at the percentages of water inside of your body:

Your BRAIN is 85 to 90% water
Your BLOOD is 83% water
Your MUSCLES are 75% water
Your SKIN is 44% water
Your BONES are 22% water

You Need Water to Keep your Bodily Organs Healthy
What do these percentages tell you? They tell you that you need water to keep your bodily
organs healthy. Healthier organs directly affect your overall health.

If your organs don't have enough water they cannot function properly. If your organs don't function properly your overall health starts to degenerate. Disease starts from mal-function of organs.

Now, let's see what water can do for your body. Believe or not, it is
not wrong to say that water keeps you alive.

There are Many Benefits of Water
The many benefits of water includes:

Transporting nutrients and oxygen into your cells
Moisturizing the air in your lungs
Helping with your metabolism
Protecting your vital organs
Helping your organs to absorb nutrients better
Regulating your body temperature
Detoxifying your body
Protecting and moisturizing your joints
Is that enough reasons to make you drink enough water each day?
A major benefit of drinking water is keeping the
Ph level of your body balanced to prevent and cure diseases. Researchers found
that an adequate amount of water consumed each day can prevent diseases. It's
better than expensive medications, dietary supplements, and all the

Many Illnesses are Reported to Have Been Prevented by Simply Drinking Water
Diseases listed below are just a few that have been reported to be prevented by drinking water:

Arthritic Diseases
Disc Related Diseases and Pain
Heart Disease / Stroke
High Blood Pressure / Cholesterol Level
Vision / Eye Problems
Sleeping Disorders
Lack of Energy
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson's Disease
Alzenheimer's disease
Are you still looking for a miracle medication or herb that can make
you healthy?

Don't be a fool and spend your money when you have the best natural health source right next to you for free! Open your refrigerator and drink water!

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dangerous Epidural Steroid Injections or Safe Chiropractic Care?

Common Treatments for Back Pain Such as Epidural Injects have been Reported to be a Cause of National Emergency

Fatal prescription drug overdoses surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of accidental deaths in 2007 according to the Department of Health. Many of the overdoses (36 percent) involve painkillers. It is reported that prescription painkillers were the cause of more overdose deaths than illegal heroin and cocaine combined.
Recent national headlines are reporting that a common treatment for back pain, epidural steroid injections, is the cause of a national health emergency. We are bombarded with reminders from the media about the risks associated with problems stemming from medical treatments such as drugs and surgery, including the recent outbreaks of meningitis caused by epidural steroid injections, but uninformed people continue to choose these potentially dangerous procedures.

Chiropractic Care has Proven to be a Safe, Drug-Free & Non-Surgical Approach to Pain Relief
Chiropractic care has proven to be a safe, drug-less, non-surgical approach for pain relief for more than a century… and yet only 8% of the population seeks chiropractic care for their ailments. That is 92% of the population of the United States who are missing an opportunity to improve their health and life without the use of drugs or surgery.
The mainstream media and pharmaceutical companies have led people to believe that drugs and surgery is the only form of healthcare that can help them. If someone were to say the words "drugs and surgery is the pathway to health" most people would shake their head in disbelief and disagreement…yet they are brainwashed every day that it is the only way to feel well. 

Chiropractic Care is one of the Safest Healing Arts Existant Today
If only 8% of society is aware of, or given access to, drugless treatment choices such as chiropractic care then many more people are unnecessarily destined to be condemned to the risks of epidural steroid injections, drug overdoses, and preventable surgery. As a nation we are failing to fight this dreadful route toward drug overdosing and the obvious risks associated with medical procedures such as surgery often leading to increased deaths or disability.
As someone who has been a leader in the field of pain management for over 20 years, I think it's time that safe, alternative treatment for conditions such as low back pain be given their well deserved and respected place in the treatment of chronic pain.

Please remember to spread the word about one of the safest healing arts existing today; Chiropractic.

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The Impact of a Golf Swing on Your Back


If you have ever been on a golf course, you know there are a variety of twists and turns involved in the game. Over time, these twist and turns can have a negative impact on your back health. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help alleviate many problems occurring on the green.

A Reverse Spinal Angle and its Impact on your Back
A Reverse Spine Angle (RSA) refers to any excessive upper body bend (either backward or side to side) during the backswing of a golf club. RSA creates an awkward motion pattern making it difficult to initiate the downswing in the proper sequence of body movements. The lack of proper sequencing caused by RSA puts the lower body in a position that limits its ability to initiate a proper downswing.

RSA  causes the upper body to dominate the swing limiting lower-body movement. This pattern of aberrant movement inhibits the abdominal musculature during the backswing thereby putting excess tension on the low back.
RSA is one of the Prime Causes of Low Back Pain Among Amateur Golfers
Several physical limitations or weakness can result from a reversed spine angle such as:
Reduced spinal mobility
Limited hip joint and hip muscle movement
Lack of spinal stabilization
Excessive pelvic tilt when addressing the golf ball
Lack of forearm rotation on the backswing
Improper pelvic side-bend when addressing the golf ball

Chiropractic adjustments have been used for years by both professional and amateur golfers to improve health and enhance performance. If you are suffering from pain due to golfing, we can help! Regular chiropractic adjustments can also prevent many golf related back injuries from occurring in the first place. 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy maintains an active presence on many popular social media websites. Click on the link below to visit our Facebook Fan Page and "Like" us. You can also visit our website to view our healthy lifestyle articles and learn more about what chriopractic care can do for you.

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