Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More Medications Prescribed due to Lower Diagnostic Thresholds: A Conspiracy to put More People on Prescription Drugs?

A recent article available at reports that changes in the way diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and their “pre-” conditions (pre-diabetes and pre-hypertension) are now diagnosed have added millions of people onto the roles of those who are placed on intense pharmaceutical protocols. This adds up to an additional 10 million people being treated for diabetes and over 22 million for hypertension due to the lowering of diagnostic thresholds.

What does it mean that the diagnostic thresholds have been lowered?

It means that in 1998 the fasting plasma glucose test used to diagnose a person with diabetes was lowered from 140 to 126. This move alone resulted in over 10.3 million people being labeled as diabetic.  The pre-diabetes threshold was lowered from 110 to 100 in 2003 with a resultant rise in new people being placed in this category.

High blood pressure (hypertension) had its diagnostic threshold lowered from 160/95 to 140/90 in 1993 for people without diabetes. For people with diabetes, the hypertension threshold was set at 130/80 in 1998, which is lower than the hypertension thresholds for non-diabetic patients. In that same year, the pre-hypertension threshold was set at 120/80. These changes resulted in an additional 22 million people being diagnosed as having or in the process of acquiring hypertension.

What does this all mean? It means that there are now millions more people taking medication than there were a few short years ago because of the lowered diagnostic thresholds that have recently been changed.

An article in the Annals of Family Medicine attempts to define and understand how pharmaceutical companies are influencing the practice of medicine and the health of their patients.

The researchers and authors of this study report that spending on prescription drugs in the United States has increased nearly 6-fold since 1990. This increase in drug use is due to the astronomical increase in the treatment of chronic health conditions resulting in 45% of Americans being treated for at least one chronic condition. Treatment for three chronic health conditions that includes hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol levels, and diabetes make up 60% of the most frequently prescribed medications. In addition to these reports, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 11% of Americans and 40% of the U.S. population over 60 years of age take five or more medications on a regular basis.

Why is this occurring and is it absolutely necessary that these patients must take such large amounts of medication?

The authors of the Annals of Family Medicine article have identified a few of the most prominent reasons for prescribing vast amounts of medication to patients. One of the reasons is that medical doctors are rewarded for keeping patient’s symptoms and medical test results below established guidelines that are set by committees and organizations. However, those same committees and organizations are heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry with some of these committees and organizations being populated by people with links to the pharmaceutical industry.

The authors suggest that pharmaceutical industry influence be abolished from these committees and organizations. They also suggest that doctors be banned from meeting with pharmaceutical industry representatives (i.e.; sales representatives) who may influence their decisions to overprescribe medications.

The combination of changes in the way diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and their “pre-” conditions (pre-diabetes and pre-hypertension) are now diagnosed have added millions of people onto the roles of people who are placed on intense pharmaceutical protocols, pharmaceutical industry influence on committees and organizations setting treatment guidelines, and the influence exerted by pharmaceutical sales representatives on doctors may all be contributing to a conspiracy to place more people on prescription drugs.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Road 

Perry Hall, MD 21236



Monday, February 25, 2013

The Most Aggressive Jersey Goes to RecoveryDoc Athlete Bobbie Traksel

Bobbie Traksel of Team Champion Systems Pro Cycling has taken hold of the most aggressive jersey title in Oman.

This is a great success for Team Champion Systems which aims to hold onto the jersey, “we are all focused on helping Bobbie keep the combative jersey,” Friedemann said. We are certainly happy after this great victory which occurred following the training camp, where Dr. Rick Rosa worked with the team on their sports recovery, strength and endurance. “This is a great start for the season for me,” Traksel said. “These races were great preparation for me and I’m feeling very good about my new position on the Champion System team.” Dr. Rick Rosa works with a number of athletes in his sports recovery program, RecoveryDoc, these athletes include Team Jamis Sutterfield, Tony Thompson boxer, Keystone Boxing, Team Lloyd Irvin, high school, college leagues and more.


To achieve success, Dr. Rosa utilizes his signature Six Pillars of Recovery program for athletes which encompass all aspects of healing. The Six Pillars include:
  • Awareness of State
  • Rest
  • Play
  • Nutrition
  • Physical
  • Psychological
This comprehensive approach enables a more complete healing process that will prevent further injuries as well as speed up recovery between workouts. Athletes respond better when a coach is able to map out a specific workout. Similarly, doctors are able to map out and monitor specific plans that the athlete can follow. In addition, the athlete will become more aware of his/her recovery state and when he/she has fully recovered. The athlete can put that much more into his/her workouts which will ultimately improve the performance. Would you like to see Dr. Rosa in action with the team? Here is a video you’ll love taken in China, where he worked as the Champion Systems Recovery Specialist and Sports Chiropractor. Dr. Rosa treats Champion Systems Pro Cyclist Clinton Avery with the Graston Technique --> .

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Road 

Perry Hall, MD 21236



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Slow the Aging Process with Body Awareness

Aging is a natural part of life but the negative portions of aging can be minimized so you can live a happy, productive life in your later years.

The American College of Sports Medicine offers Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription that recommends performing an assessment to determine the health of the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems (three sensory systems) to maximize postural control of your body. Such a test can be as simple as standing on one leg with your eyes open then with eyes closed.

A test such as this is used to determine how well you can maintain postural control. If you cannot stand for more than 10 seconds it means your body has degenerated to the level of being 60-70 years old. This is a very real problem if you are only forty years old but your body is functioning on a 60-70 year level. In other words, you have aged much faster than you should have.

The loss of balance is aging whereas training to regain your balance is anti-aging. Do not despair, your balance can be greatly improved with proper exercises and techniques and they should be improved otherwise these deficits may become permanent. Irreversible habitual movement dysfunction may lead to injury due to altered movement patterns of your body.  

It is important to correct any body imbalances particularly if you are beginning any exercise programs so you do not suffer avoidable injuries.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Road 

Perry Hall, MD 21236



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chiropractic Lowers Health Care Expenditures

Study On Complementary and Alternative Medicine

A recent study performed with over 12,000 adults aged 17 and above showed that complementary and alternative medicine (which includes chiropractic care) is a cost-effective alternative to medical treatment. Users of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) had $424 lower annual medical costs for spinally related conditions and a whopping $796 lower annual bill for their total health care costs.

In this study, all cost generating services such as those accrued during outpatient procedures or visits, inpatient hospital stays, emergency room visits, and medication prescriptions were included.  These expenditures were evaluated for both users of CAM and non-users of CAM with the results found above being discovered. In other words, it appears that people who use CAM as part of their health care regimen have lower overall healthcare costs.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Road 

Perry Hall, MD 21236



Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Low Back Pain

Acute low back pain is the fifth most common reason for visits to the doctor and 90% of the adults in the U.S. will experience this malady at some point in their life.

And it is expensive! Direct costs of low back pain totals over $20 billion every year with indirect costs accounting for over $50 billion.

Key To Treating Low Back Pain

The key to treating low back pain is properly diagnosing the condition so it can be treated in the most effective manner. That is why taking medication for low back pain without a proper diagnosis is a terrible idea. Covering up the pain does not correct the problem and may actually allow the condition to worsen thereby raising the cost both in monetary considerations as well as the agony of additional suffering.

An often overlooked “treatment” for low back conditions is to drink more water because chronic dehydration can cause low back pain in patients who do not consume adequate amounts of water every day.  However, this is only a minor cause of this condition and is restricted to a discrete population. A comprehensive examination will reveal the actual cause of your specific condition.

If you have more questions about our services, contact us at 410-256-9650 or sign-up at for a free consultation! 

Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy

8817 Belair Road 

Perry Hall, MD 21236

