High school athletes are a neglected population that will experience lifelong, disabling injuries due to the biomechanical faults they bring to the playing field.
Typically, the athletic physical entails examining the heart, lungs, eyes, ears, nose, and throat but totally ignores a biomechanical examination. The number of young athletes participating in sports with moderate to severe biomechanical problems is staggering and it’s all because an examination of the muscular, neurological, and skeletal systems is not performed in a typical athletic examination.
High school athletes usually do not have a biomechanical examination until after they are hurt. At Perry Hall Chiropractic and Physical Therapy a more proactive approach is taken by performing a biomechanical examination in an effort to identify the faults that will lead to injury.
This proactive approach works in preventing injury and establishes a lifetime of attention directed toward health leading to less degeneration and osteoarthritis formation when the individual reaches adulthood.
If your young athlete is taking to the field make sure they see a competent doctor of chiropractic to have a biomechanical examination before they needlessly suffer injuries that could have been prevented. It will pay big dividends over the course of the athlete’s career.